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miercuri, 20 februarie 2013

Love nest

A good news for today! My sister and her boyfriend found a nice studio to rent and starting from today they are decorating the studio: cleaning, changing the wall colour, changing the curtains, adding some furniture , and so on. A new home is like a blank sheet of paper to draw so I allready have hundreds of ideas that would fit in their house, but since it's going to be THEIR home, not mine, I refrain myself to only give them some impulse, without involving to much. I'm sure they have their own dreams of how their perfect home should be.

O veste buna pe ziua de azi! Sora mea impreuna cu prietenul ei au gasit o garsoniera draguta de inchiriat si incepand de astazi au inceput decorarea: curatenie, schimbarea culorii peretilor, schimbarea peredelelor, adaugarea unor piese de mobilier, si asa mai departe. O casa noua este precum o pagina alba de hartie gata de desenat si am deja sute de idei care s-ar potrivi in casa lor, dar intru-cat va fi casa LOR, nu a mea, ma abtin si le dau doar cateva imbloduri, fara sa ma implic prea mult. Sunt sigura ca au propriile vise despre cum ar trebui sa arate caminul lor perfect.

 I'm verry happy for them and I'm sure they will create their perfect nest. 
Sunt foarte fericita pentru ei si sunt sigura ca isi vor crea cuibul perfect.

Hugs, Cristina

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