polka dot

duminică, 28 aprilie 2013


Hy friends! Just a quick post to say hy from this weekend Handmade Fair. I'm tirred but very pleased to see people appreciate my creations. Today is the second and last day so will follow a detailed post soon.

P.S. Happy dayname to all of you that today celebrate Flowers!!

sâmbătă, 20 aprilie 2013

Bags and pillows

We had to move AGAIN ! Can you believe that we moved 3 times in less than 2 years!? At least this time we moved to a 3 rooms apartment from a studio..Yes ,it's still not enough space for all the things we have but this time we sure can sleep in a normal bed, like normal people. I like a lot this apartment because we have a lot of windows and we have the view to South and West so we get natural light all day long. Another thing I like about this apartment is that all the furniture is from solid WOOD.  But I dislike the colour of the furniture wich is an old mahogany colour. I would paint it white, but since is not our furniture I can't do any massive changes. I'll show you soon some pictures of the apartment but now we just managed to unpack everything so I have a lot more things to put on their place..  

A trebuit sa ne mutam DIN NOU ! Va vine sa credeti ca ne-am mutat de 3 ori in mai putin de 2 ani!? Cel putin de data aceasta ne-am mutat intr-un apartament cu 3 camere ,dintr-o garsoniera..Da, inca nu avem suficient spatiu pentru toate lucrurile noastre dar de data aceasta in mod sigur dormim intr-un pat normal ca toti oamenii normali. Imi place mult apartamentul acesta pentru ca avem o multime de ferestre si suntem pozitionati catre Sud si Vest asa ca primim lumina naturala toata ziua. Un alt lucru care imi place la acest apartament este ca toata mobila este din lemn masiv. Exceptand culoarea mobilei care este un mahon invechit. Eu as vopsi totul alb, dar pentru ca nu este mobila noastra nu pot face schimbari masive. Va voi arata curand fotografii cu apartamentul dar acum de-abia am reusit sa despachetam totul asa ca mai am multe lucruri de pus la locul lor..

Meanwhile I'm preparing my things for the next fair wich will be next weekend,here in Pitesti. As you know, or maybe not, next Sunday will be the Palm Sunday here for Orthodox Christians so the fair will have an Easter theme.To be honest I dind't prepare yet anything due to Easter but I made several springtime projects.

Intre timp imi pregatesc lucrurile pentru urmatorul targ care se va tine weekend-ul viitor aici in Pitesti. Asa cum stiti, sau poate nu, Duminica viitoare va fi Duminica Floriilor pentru crestinii ortodocsi asa ca targul va avea ca tema Pastele. Sa fiu sincera inca nu am pregatit nimic referitor la Paste dar am facut cateva proiecte de primavara.

A dots&flower cotton bag. The rose is applied with napkin's technique ,on white cotton and the rose itself makes lovely pocket on the outside of the bag. The inside it's made from yellow cotton linen.

O geanta din bumbac cu buline si flori. Trandafirul este aplicat prin tehnica servetelului, pe bumbac alb, iar trandafirul in sine creeaza un buzunar dragut pe exteriorul gentii. Imteriorul este realizat din captuseala din bumbac galben.

Another cotton bag with flowers applied with napkin's technique.And of course it has the outside pocket.The linen is from flowered cotton.
O alta geanta din bumbac cu flori aplicate prin tehnica servetelului. Si deasemenea are buzunarul exterior. Captuseala este din bumbac inflorat.

Then I made a romantic pillow with ruffle and flowers .
Apoi am facut o pena romantica cu volanase si flori.

And then another cotton pillow. This time in the summer 's, sea's and sky's colour, with an embroidered border bow ... And yes, that is my finger's shadow while I was taking the pictures.

Si apoi o alta perna din bumbac. De aceast data in culorile verii, marii si ale cerului, cu o funda cu marginile brodate... Si da, aceea este umbra degetelor mele in timp ce fotografiam.

So what you think about my bags and pillows? Do you like them ? 
Asa ca ce spuneti despre gentile si pernele mele? Va plac ?

marți, 16 aprilie 2013

Shabby Aniversary

Happy birthday dear blog,
Happy birthday dear blog,
Happy birthday Shabby Criss,
Happy birthday to me!

Today my sweet dear blog is turning ONE and I am happy to be part of shabby bloglandia. A year a go,when I started to write my first post, I would never have thought I'd meet so many special persons and such a beautifull community of vintage,shabby and romantic ideas.
I would like to thank you all for your supporting ,your advises and most important for receiving me among you, creative people.
It also was a beautifull surprise for me to see that my creations are appreciated.

A big kiss from me to you all and sweet dreams!

Picture source: Annabelleom

miercuri, 10 aprilie 2013

Acetone transfer

Thanks to the Holly internet I can allways learn new techniques of sewing, painting, crafting, transfer... Thanks to Jagoda from Life is Shabby I learned the acetone transfer technique and you should go too and pay her a visit. She does beautifull things ! And she also explains very well how to transfer images using acetone.

Multumita Sfantului internet pot invata in fiecare zi noi tehnici de cusut, pictat, mestesugarii ,transfer... Multumita lui Jagoda din Life is Shabby am invatat tehnica de transfer cu acetona si voi ar trebui sa vizitati site-ul ei. Realizeaza lucruri frumoase ! Si in plus explica foarte bine cum sa realizezi un transfer de imagini utilizand acetona.

I never thought it's that easy to transfer using acetone.Months a go I was very upset that in my country it doesn't exists transfer paper ,but now I can do all the project I allways dreamed about. I do not claim I'm good at it, but I'll show you some of my firsts projects..

Nu am crezut niciodata ca este atat de usor sa transferi utilizand acetona. Cu luni in urma am fost foarte suparata ca la mine in tara nu exista hartie de transfer, dar acum pot sa fac toate proiectele la care am visat pana acum. Nu pretind ca sunt buna la asta, dar va voi arata unele dintre primele mele proiecte..

Peach cotton pillow case
Fata de perna din bumbac culoarea piersicii

White bag with vintage lace ruffle 
Geanta alba cu dantela vintage incretita

It has an extra back pocket with flowering cotton, the same flowering cotton as for the lining
Are un extra buzunar in spate din bumbac inflorat, acelasi bumbac inflorat precum captuseala

For this projects I used several graphics from The Graphics Fairy.  On Karen's blog you can find you cand find thousands of beautiful graphics and vintage image.

Pentru aceste proiecte am folosit imagini din The Graphincs Fairy . Pe blogul lui Karen puteti gasi mii de imagini frumoase si vintage. 

 I like aceton transfer so you'll see a lot more this kind of projects on my blog.
Imi place transferul cu acetona asa ca veti mai vedea multe alte proiecte de tipul asta pe blogul meu. 

Hugs, Cristina

I'm joining the party:   Ma alatur petrecerii:

vineri, 5 aprilie 2013

English style vs. french style - Planning my bedroom re-do

I keep reading all my favourites blog and I have not a single idea what to writte about. I mean, I do made beautifull things in this silent blogging period and I do have ideas about what to create, but the words seams to keep running away.. Do you ever had this lack of writting immagination ?
Maybe it's the weather! It stoped snowing last week and since then it's raining and I hate grey sky.It make's me nervous.

Continui sa citesc toate blogurile mele preferate si inca nu am nicio idee despre ce as putea sa scriu. Adica, am creat lucruri frumoase in perioada aceasta de tacere de blogging si am idei despre ce sa creez, dar se pare ca fug de mine cuvintele.. Vi s-a intamplat si voua vreodata acest lucru?
Poate este vremea de vina! S-a oprit din nins saptamana trecuta si de atunci ploua si eu urasc cerul gri. Ma enerveaza.

How about dreaming and planning my room re-do from my parent's house? My parents build the house when I went to highschool so I spent very little time in the house. And besides  my parent's bedroom, there was only one bedroom wich I shared with my sister in the week-ends or vacations. But 3 years a go we managed to create another bedroom upstairs, in the attic. Well we have a really BIG attic, we could do at least another 2 bedrooms if we want... The house is not finished yet, we have to do a lot of outside works but you can get an idea from the picture bellow.

Ce-ar fi sa visam si planuim redecorarea camerei mele din casa parintilor mei? Parintii mei au construit casa cand eu am plecat la liceu asa ca am petrecut foarte putin timp in casa. Si pe langa dormitorul parintilor mei, mai era un singur dormitor in casa pe care l-am impartit cu sora mea in weekenduri si vacante. Dar acum 3 ani am reusit sa cream un alt dormitor la etaj, in pod. Ei bine, avem un pod chiar mare, am putea face cel putin alte 2 dormitoare daca vrem...Casa nu este inca finalizata, mai avem multe lucrari de exterior de facut, dar puteti sa va faceti o idee din fotografia alaturata.

So the new room is sord of them-mine, but I'll be the master decorator !! It's the upstairs room with 3 pannels window/door - I LOVE natural light :) I can't reveal you yet the inside view of the room because I still have to paint the walls ,to do the electrical installation ( Mr. Shabby promissed he will do it for me).. I have the furniture, all antique pieces that I have to prepare/paint/beautify first.

Asa ca noua camera va fi ceva de genul a mea-a lor, dar eu voi fi maestrul decorator !! Este vorba despre camera de la etaj, cea cu fereastra-usa din 3 panouri de geam - IUBESC lumina naturala :) Nu va pot dezvalui inca vederea interioara a camerei pentru ca inca mai am de vopsit pereti, de facut instalatia electrica (Dl. Shabby a promis ca o sa o faca el pentru mine)..Am mobila, toate piese de antichitate pe care trebuie sa le pregatesc/vopsesc/infrumusetez mai intai.

I am insicure of what predominant colour should I use for the room , except for the walls that I'll paint WHITE . But for the fabrics, I'm not sure if I want to use pastels/english colours and style or should I use blue/grey/white/french style ?! I've found some lovely pictures on the internet that I divided in two :

Nu sunt sigura ce culoare predominanta ar trebui sa folosesc pentru camera, cu exceptia peretilor pe care ii voi vopsi ALBI. Dar ma refer la textile, nu sunt sigura daca vreau sa folosesc culori pastel/ stil englezesc sau ar trebui sa folosesc blue/gri/alb stilul frantuzesc ?! Am gasit cateva fotografii chiar frumoase pe internet pe care le-am impartit in doua categorii :

As for French Style :
Cat pentru stilul frantuzesc :

So, what you choose? English or French? Advises and sugestions are bienvenue !

Hugs, Cristina

I'm joining the party :
Ma alatur petrecerii :

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